Cast from the Storm follows three teenagers Asfar, Maryam and Wiam who were forced to leave their home countries and everything they knew, and then face the challenges of high school in a new country.

The director, Mr David Mason, won Best Direction in a Documentary Stand Alone at the Australian Director’s Guild Awards in 2016. Cast from the Storm (PG) will be shown on Wednesday June 21, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Event Cinemas in Hurstville, but tickets need to be booked by June 11.

Event Contact

Katy Gerner

Email Katy Gerner

Cast From the Storm poster - 3 young people's faces looking directly into the camera, with the words


Event Cinemas Hurstville, Park Road, Hurstville, New South Wales, Australia


June 21, 2017

6:30 pm

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