The local music group “LOOSELY WOVEN”, led by Wayne Richmond, will be giving a free community concert in Avalon Baptist Church (2 George St.) on Sunday 6th Aug at 4 pm.
Wayne Richmond, the leader of the group, is one of the Peninsula’s inspirational leaders in giving live music to the community. Wayne and his musicians have been contributing to Amnesty’s great work for more than 20 years and helping those who suffer injustice, unfair imprisonment, torture, execution and other human rights abuse.
The concert’s title GOING HOME is named from the opening song from Dvorak’s New World Symphony.
Most of us are human rights supporters and will love to hear Australian singer Sissy Higgins’ heart-rending song ‘Oh Canada’ written in response to the tragedy of Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi whose 3 year old body was washed up on a Turkish beach after he and his family attempted to reach a Greek island on their way to Canada. Graham Moore’s song ‘New Frontier’ celebrates all those who struggle to build a better world. ‘Anchor Me’ is a New Zealand song adapted by Greenpeace to commemorate the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985. Great songs for a human rights concert!
Amongst the performers this time is a young man from Tanzania who has taught the group two of his own songs.
The varied program will include several Australian songs as well as some international pop favourites.
Instruments this time will include flutes, saxophones, clarinets, trumpet, recorders, harp, concertina, melodicas, glockenspiel, xylophone, guitars, keyboard and percussion.
Loosely Woven encourage audience participation in their concerts which are always lots of fun, and you can enjoy a musical treat and also support human rights by coming because voluntary donations will go to Amnesty International.
And there is a FREE AFTERNOON TEA.