Activists in Canberra and Perth have taken to the streets to talk to the public about the harmful practices that go into making products that almost all of us have in our homes.

Last week activists and staff in Canberra kicked off the week with a bang, holding a stall about child labour in the palm oil industry where they collected 125 petition signatures. The Canberra Action Centre is planning to hold more stalls in the coming months so keep your eyes peeled.
Activists have been joining with staff from the Perth Action Centre to do some lunch time petition blitzing on the streets. They have been busy collecting actions and talking to people in their lunch break about getting involved in the campaign against child labour. To date they have collected 100 petition signatures!
Get involved
Blitzing and holding stalls are two really easy ways you can take action for this campaign. If you haven’t already, check out the activist toolkit for more ideas and tips for action.
We are moving into stage two of this campaign where we will focus on the retailers selling products produced using child labour. We’ll be asking them to take responsibility for what is on their shelves and not to stock products that contain child labour. Get ready to join us to say #NotInMyTrolley to child labour.
We would love to hear what you have been up to so far or if you have had any responses from the brands we’ve been tweeting at about this issue. If you have an update to share, please get in touch with your local Community Organiser and let them know.
By Sarah Gooderham, WA Community Organiser
Get the action toolkit
Sign the petition