Poster taped to a pole on the street reads

Ensuring the inclusion of trans, gender diverse and intersex people in sport

After the recent decision by FINA – the international federation recognised by the International Olympic Committee for administering international competitions in water sports – to introduce an exclusionary policy that effectively bans trans women, and some intersex women from competing, Amnesty International Australia has written to all leading sporting associations in Australia.

In the letter, Amnesty has highlighted that the move by FINA is a breach of the human rights of the athletes that this policy will impact directly, but that it also sends a dangerous message to trans, gender diverse and intersex people that they are not welcome.

Amnesty has called on all sporting associations in Australia to follow the guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport, which have been developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission in partnership with Sport Australia and the Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports.

By doing this, sporting associations in Australia can help create and promote an inclusive environment for transgender and gender diverse people.

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