We know we are more effective as a movement when we come together and plan ahead. So we invite you to our third national campaigns briefing where you can find out what is on our agenda for the next 6 months.

Receive campaigns updates/briefings for the following campaigns:

  • Individuals at Risk / Write for Rights
  • Community is Everything
  • Marriage Equality in Australia
  • Refugees

We’ll be discussing campaign strategies and tactics and where you fit in this picture.

Suggested audience

We encourage all of our action groups to send a representative along to this session to find out what’s coming up. Lead activists, interns … anyone who wants to get the low down on what the next six month holds is welcome to attend.

The session will be run online.

To join at the scheduled time click here.

Or Telephone: 0 2 8015 2088 (Australia Toll fees apply) enter Meeting ID: 650 410 6137 #

If you have further questions please email communityorganising@amnesty.org.au

See you in the virtual world!

Activists sharing a campaign strategy at an activist leadership weekend


September 20, 2017

7:30 pm

I want to attend