We aim to provide first-hand accounts of the plight of refugees and the complexity of their situations to counter the often-hostile rhetoric that is reported. Our speakers include:
Evan Jones is a programme officer at the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APPRN). Evan will speak about the situation of refugees across the Asia Pacific region and give details about the work that organizations such as APRRN does
Arash Bordbar is an Iranian refugee who has settled in western Sydney and will share his insights with us. Arash has worked as a volunteer and youth leader to advance refugee rights and was the winner of the Young People’s Human Rights Medal in 2016.
Come along and find out how you can help to uphold human rights and advocate for a more compassionate approach to the humanitarian crisis that is occurring around the world.
Light refreshments will be served from 6.30pm and the talks will start at 7.00pm