Join our Refugee activist hook-up to hear updates on the Refugee campaign and participate in a discussion around tactics and activities that are happening around the country.
What’s this catch up about?

At this hook up come and celebrate with us Hakeem coming home and find out how the My New Neighbour campaign has been going so far this year. We have lots of wins to share and would love to hear yours so come and share what you have been doing to build our power for refugees.

Suggested audience:

Everyone is welcome, in particular activists who have a keen interest in refugee and asylum seeker rights.

How to join this meeting?

Simply click on this link on scheduled date and time (February 20, 8 pm AEST).

Or telephone: Australia +61 8 7150 1149 Australia +61 2 8015 2088 Australia Meeting ID: 869 090 899

Please note that all calls are charged as per your providers call fees.

Please note: All sessions are hosted in AEST.

Please RSVP for the meeting by clicking the “I Want To Attend” button on your screen

(Convenors please rsvp with your personal email not your group email, thanks.)


February 20, 2019

8:00 pm

I want to attend