Effective community organising requires effective leadership! Our activist leaders are a key element of our movement and our successes.
Amnesty leaders grow our capacity to act by developing activists through educating, empowering, and inspiring them towards action.
This great workshop introduces and discusses a number of the key concepts and frameworks of organising and leadership including:
- leadership
- delegate, motivate and organise other activists and volunteers
- have relational meetings
- how to make the ‘hard asks’
- what power means in an organising frame
- and more
Suggested audience
Current Amnesty leaders, including group and network convenors, Branch Committee members, Group Organisers, Youth Advisory Group members, and activists and volunteers who want to step into leadership roles.
If you want to be one of our leaders or simply wish to brush up on some skills to improve your leadership then we invite to join this session.
This workshop will be hosted online or you can phone in too. Please RSVP your interest.
Simply click on this link on the scheduled date and time.
Or phone 02 8015 2088 and enter meeting ID: 265 885 211#. Australian toll fees apply*.
Contact Tracey.Foley@amnesty.org.au for further info.