Join us at James Cook University Townsville for the annual Amnesty International Human Rights Lecture.
The Amnesty Townsville Action Group and the Amnesty James Cook University Action Group are excited to announce that this year’s lecture will be presented by the Hon Linda Burney MP on the topic of ‘Indigenous Youth Justice’.
As a proud member of the Wiradjuri nation, Linda made Australian history when she was the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the New South Wales Parliament, and the first Aboriginal woman to serve in the House of Representatives. Linda’s commitment to indigenous issues spans more than 30 years. Following her election to the Federal House of Representatives she was immediately appointed as Shadow Minister for Human Services.
Before starting her political career, Linda devoted herself to advocating for education and social justice. She was previously a teacher, and became president of the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG), which aims to ensure the unique and diverse identity of Aboriginal students is recognised and valued.
So come along and hear what the inspiring Linda Burney has to say on the topic of Indigenous Youth Justice, an issue that requires urgent action and change.
Amnesty International’s Community is Everything campaign aims to end the over representation of Indigenous kids in Australian prisons in a generation. This includes