NSW LGBTQI network make magic at Mardi Gras

By Lizzi Price

The LGBTQI network is still shaking off the glitter from the parade that brought the Mardi Gras season to a close. As always, a whole bunch of people worked really hard to make the day a success.

Fair Day — 19 February

Fair Day is always our busiest activism day of the year. This year we added another 20 people to our email list, spoke to several people interested in joining the group, sold some of our gorgeous rainbow t-shirts and got 700 actions signed. We’re pretty happy with that!

Following on from Amnesty’s input to the Senate Inquiry into the proposed marriage equality bill, we continued our work on marriage equality with a lovely ‘Love letters to your MP’ campaign. This is an ongoing campaign for people to write to their MP about why marriage equality matters. Lets hope that 2017 is the year we get equality with our fellow Australians.

Send your love letter

Parade Day — 4 March

The parade is our annual opportunity to give our group visibility and recruit new members. Every time we march, we let the world know that LGBTQI rights are human rights. In Australia and around the world, Amnesty’s support of LGBTQI human rights sends a powerful message to LGBTQI people who are fighting for equality, a message that we are born free and equal, in dignity and rights.

Our float message: ‘Equality, Safety, Respect: Every Child, Every School’ came in response to the alarming level of bullying faced by LGBTQI young people in school and the profound impact that this treatment has on their wellbeing and ability to access their right to an education (as described in article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). The float got a fantastic response, but it was the young people in the crowd that will stay in my memory. So many young people were literally jumping and screaming with excitement and joy to see Amnesty supporting their right to a safe education.

Over the next few months we will continue to find glitter in odd places and keep planning our next events and campaigns. Click the arrow below to scroll through photos of the event, and find out more about joining the NSW LGBTQI Network here.

Everyone has the right to live a life free from discrimination. We are all entitled to self-determination, dignity and freedom, regardless of who we love or how we identify. Take action and learn more about our LGBTQIA+ rights campaign.