Keep up to date with our refugee campaign

Our refugee campaign is a major focus for Amnesty International Australia for the next few years. We already have a whole bunch of resources on the website of actions you can take, from holding film nights to talking to your MPs.

If you’d like to keep up to date with the campaign – apart from looking out for new items on the website of course – you can join our monthly webinars. These have been going for quite a while but we are rejuvenating the content. There will now be quarterly updates from the national campaign project team, a regular workshop for new skills (or a refresher!) and a showcase of some of the innovative refugee events our action groups hold. The webinars are interactive sessions, so you can ask all those questions you might have about Amnesty’s campaign as well as hear what other groups are doing around the country.

Register for the next
monthly webinar on April 5

Check out all the other training available

As part of the revitalised campaign, we‘ll also be producing an extensive toolkit for you with extra resources like tips on how to avoid burnout or easy ways to hold conversations about refugee issues – watch this space!

On that campaign team – there is a national project team of staff from the campaign, community organising, activism and other Amnesty teams who meet frequently to keep each other informed and plan new strategies. We also have a refugee advisory group with two reps from the activism and community organising teams plus two volunteers, one from NSW and one from WA. This group meets every few weeks and additionally we have been working on developing resources, toolkits and strategy guidance for groups which will be up on the website at the end of the month.

In addition to the monthly webinars you can stay up to date by joining the Amnesty Refugee Activist Facebook group. Resources for your activism and news updates are posted there in real time.

We look forward to talking to you soon!

Glyn Mather and Ashley Macmillan
AIA Refugee Advisory Group