Setting the Standard: A National plan of action to eliminate violence against women

Violence against women is widespread, systematic and culturally entrenched. In Australia, one in three women who have been in relationships has experienced violence.

The responses to this violence only compound the problems: women fleeing violence are turned away from shelters for lack of space; prosecution rates for sexual assault are among the lowest for all offences; and there are no systematic education programs to give the next generation the skills to condemn violence and build healthy relationships.

In March 2005, Amnesty International launched a campaign for a national plan of action (NPoA) to eliminate violence against women in Australia. Our report – Setting the Standard: National plan of action to stop violence against women – was conceived by Amnesty International Australia as part of the campaign.

Watch the Amnesty International Women’s Lives Matter video

The aim of this report is to bring a human rights perspective to bear on the issue of violence against women. Using a human rights framework, Amnesty International Australia has sought to identify gaps in current policies, legislation and practices.

Rather than propose detailed policy responses to these gaps, we have identified good practice examples on which Australia should draw. Our purpose is to ensure that Australia develops a first-class NPoA: one that draws on international good practice and meets Australia’s human rights obligations.

To find out more, read our full report: Setting the Standard: National plan of action to stop violence against women.